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  • Writer's pictureAlyssa Marie

Sundried Tomato Hummus & Pesto

These two recipes both have almost the exact same ingredients and steps, yet taste very different and have completely different textures. I put these two together in one post because of that! I recommend that you make both at the same time, while you have all of the common ingredients. Trust me, you won't regret it. I thoroughly enjoyed both, and they are both perfect for party foods!

The hummus is great when eaten on pita chips, carrot sticks, or even on a Buddha bowl. You can double or triple the recipe and serve it with chips and veggies for a great appetizer or side. The pesto is perfect as a sandwich spread or in a caprese salad. My favorite way to use it is mixed with pasta and some veggies for a lovely pasta salad. This would also be great to serve at a cook-out as a light side dish. I hope you try both recipes and enjoy them!


Hummus Recipe


- 2 tbsp sundried tomatoes

- 4 leaves fresh basil

- 1 can chickpeas (drained and rinsed)

- 1 tbsp tahini

- 1 tbsp oil from sundried tomatoes (optional)

- 1 clove garlic

- juice from 1/2 a lemon

- salt

- pepper

- olive oil


1. Add all ingredients (except olive oil, salt, and pepper) to a food processor or blender and pulse until a paste is formed.

2. Add small amounts of olive oil at a time and pulse until desired consistency is reached.

3. Add salt and pepper to taste.

*Tip: The sundried tomato oil is optional and can be replaced by more olive oil, but really helps bring out the flavor of the sundried tomato.


Pesto Recipe


- 1 tbsp sundried tomatoes

- 2 large handfuls fresh basil

- 1 tbsp oil from sundried tomatoes

- juice from 1/2 a lemon

- 1 clove garlic

- 2 tbsp mixed nuts

- 1 tbsp almond milk (optional)

- olive oil

- salt

- pepper


1. Add all ingredients (except olive oil) to a food processor and blend until a chunky paste is created.

2. Drizzle in olive oil, slowly, while blending until the desired consistency is reached.

*Tip: The almond milk is not necessary, but gives it a nice bit of creaminess.

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