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  • Writer's pictureAlyssa Marie

Bananas for Berries Smoothie Bowl

This smoothie bowl is much bigger and more filling than the last one I posted, and it has DOUBLE the amount of bananas! It tastes super good and is a great way to use up any berries you have sitting around the house. This bowl was so yummy, and makes a delicious dessert or breakfast if you're feeling something fruity but still filling.

The toppings I used on mine (strawberries and blueberry granola) made this a triple berry bowl, but it can involve as many berries as you desire. The toppings are completely customize-able to fit what you like. The granola gives it a great crunch, but if you don't like your smoothie bowls crunchy, feel free to leave it out. I hope you find this recipe to become a staple weekend breakfast in your home! Be sure to also check out my other smoothie bowl recipe for a nice tropical twist!


Smoothie Bowl Recipe

Serves 1


- 2 frozen bananas

- 1 cup frozen raspberries

- 1/3 cup almond milk + extra as needed

- granola (optional)

- berries for topping (optional)


1. Add frozen bananas to a food processor or blender and pulse until chopped into small pieces.

2. Add frozen raspberries and pulse until even smaller bits are formed, about the size of Dippin' Dots.

3. Add 1/3 cup almond milk and continue pulsing, scraping down the sides with a rubber spatula as needed.

4. Add more milk as needed until a creamy texture is achieved.

5. Transfer to a bowl and top with optional granola and berries, along with any other desired toppings.

*Tip: If you want to change it up, use a different type of frozen berry, or even mixed berries!

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